"We gotta stop this snoopy columnist." Jimmy Hoffa furrowed his brow. "He can't keep his nose out of our business."
"Johnny Dio" Dioguardi then sent death threats to columnist Victor Riesel, but Riesel kept on broadcasting his anti-labor show.
"We could off him." Dio raised a single black eyebrow.
Jimmy shook his head. "Too fuckin' easy. I want Riesel to know what he did wrong."
Then about 2 a.m., April 5, 1956, Riesel left the radio station after broadcasting his usual program. He and his secretary walked to Lindy's to unwind. They left the restaurant about 3 a.m.
Then Abraham Telvi, a slender, black-haired man, stepped out of the shadows and threw a vial of sulphuric acid into Riesel's eyes.
"My gosh!" Riesel shouted. He staggered. "My gosh!"
The secretary dragged Riesel into Lindy's to flush his face with water, but acid ate his eyeballs.
Outside, Telvi sauntered away, trying to wipe a splash of acid off his face.
"I should'a got more than five hundred bucks," he groused.