Teresa Martin and I collaborated on her Orphan Train biography, which became the popular Mail-Order Kid. As we worked, Teresa at times implied that her foster father, Bappa Bieker, had molested her. When I pressed her for details, she fell silent.
At last she told me, and I understood why she'd refrained. With Teresa's consent, I opened Mail-Order Kid with her Bappa story. Here it is, below, in poetry form.
He's My Daddy
An Orphan Train Tale
I met him at the station
when I was three
He put me in his wagon
took me to his store
sat me on his lap
lifted my dress
touched me everywhere
bounced me up and down
gave me a licorice stick
He's my Daddy
I ride his pony
eat his candy
I live with him
learn his language
Volga German sounds
like barking dogs
I go to his church
Nuns teach me
in his school
His wife slaps me
He eats with his fingers
He calls me to his store
bounces me on his lap
He's my Daddy
I ride his pony
eat his candy
He's an old man but agile
bigger than me
When I turn thirteen
my breasts burgeon
He grabs my nipple
twists it
I slap him
He yanks my hair
right out of my head
I scream
hide in my bedroom
The sheriff comes
to take me away
"No, no,
I won't go"
He's my Daddy
I ride his pony
eat his candy